Sound Health [Listening]
/in News blog /by Jimmy HiltonJulian Treasure says our increasingly noisy world is gnawing away at our mental health — even costing lives. He lays out an 8-step plan to soften this sonic assault (starting with those cheap earbuds) and restore our relationship with sound.
Medical Assistants Recognition Week
/in News blog /by Jimmy HiltonMedical Assistants at the Heart of Health Care
Mobile Physician Services is gearing up to celebrate Medical Assistants Recognition Week, October 21–25, 2019, as designated by the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA). Medical assistants across the country will be recognized during this special week and honored on Medical Assistants Recognition Day, October 23, 2019.
Medical assisting is an allied health profession whose practitioners function as members of the health care delivery team and perform administrative and clinical procedures. With their unique versatility, medical assistants are proving to be the allied health professional of choice for this decade and beyond. Medical assisting is one of the nation’s careers growing much faster than average for all occupations, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The American Association of Medical Assistants is the only organization devoted exclusively to serving the professional interests and educational needs of all medical assistants. The association provides numerous services that help medical assistants put their careers on a successful and rewarding track and keep them there.
Mobile Physician Services
Medicare Open Enrollment
/in News blog /by Jimmy HiltonMedicare Open Enrollment is the time for people with Medicare to review their health coverage. It begins on October 15, 2019, and ends December 7, 2019.
Medicare health and drug plan costs and covered benefits can change from year to year, so people with Medicare should look at their coverage choices and decide on the options that best fit their health needs. They can visit (, call 1-800-MEDICARE, or contact their State Health Insurance Assistance Program. Those people with Medicare who do not wish to change their current coverage do not need to re-enroll in order to keep their current coverage.
Prior to making any changes please check with your current physicians to find out if their services will be covered under the new plan you are considering.
Physician Assistant (PA) Week
/in News blog /by Jimmy HiltonEvery year from October 6-12, Mobile Physician Services celebrates National PA Week, which recognizes the Physician Assistant profession and its contributions to the nation’s health. PAs practice medicine in every setting and specialty.
This week is an opportunity to raise awareness and visibility of the profession.
- Physician Assistants (PA) are academically and clinically prepared medical professionals who diagnose illness, develop and manage treatment plans, and often serve as a patient’s principal healthcare provider
- PAs are often the first point of contact for many patients and play a vital role in helping them understand their medical needs and empower them to become effective advocates for their own health
- PAs enhance the delivery of high-quality healthcare for patients, often in medically under- served and rural areas
- PAs have earned the respect of the general public for their dedication and contributions to people’s lives and for their commitment to team-based care and ensure delivery of effective and efficient healthcare services;
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
/in News blog /by Jimmy HiltonThis October, Mobile Physician Services is proud to participate in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancer in women after skin cancer. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point.
The good news is that most women can survive breast cancer if it’s found and treated early.
- If you are a woman age 40 to 49, talk with your doctor about when to start getting mammograms and how often to get them.
- If you are a woman age 50 to 74, be sure to get a mammogram every 2 years. You may also choose to get them more often.
Talk to a doctor about your risk for breast cancer, especially if a close family member of yours had breast or ovarian cancer. Your doctor can help you decide when and how often to get mammograms.
For more information, visit
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